Become a Vendor
New Vendors
New vendors should arrive at 6:45 am and at 7am we will assign any available space; there is no guarantee of receiving a space. New vendors MUST pay their table fee or outside space fee as soon as a space is assigned by management.
Trader’s License: The State of Maryland REQUIRES a Trader’s License for all vendors, who sell their goods in a Flea Market. For all vendors who currently possess a Trader’s license, please visit our Office so that a copy of the license can be made for our files. Should you require a copy of the appropriate application form, or for further information from the State of Maryland, Central Registration office call: 410-313-5850 or visit Howard County 9250 Bendix Rd. Columbia, Md. 21045.
Vehicles and Boxes
Vendor vehicles MUST be parked at the rear of the building, after unloading merchandise. Only vehicles that are approved to be in an “Outside space “, with the vendor, may be in the front parking lot.
Cardboard boxes must be flattened in order for our staff to discard them in our dumpsters. Please contact STAFF to advise them that you have cardboard boxes to be collected. We will collect these items on a regular basis during each business day.